QuickLab® Options

With our QuickLab® modules and guides, we offer various sophisticated options for different cases of application, focusing our design on low moving masses, highest possible stiffness, modularity and low expenses.
Stand for the module?

AD52 is a set of stands for modules QM02-2070
Only two screws?

mounting without adaption plate - no option is necessary
If power supply fails?

mounting without adaption plate -
Z-axis shown here with MagSpring® as an option for gravity force compensation
QM02 Modules not Precise Enough?

AD56 - adaptor for external positioning sensor on QM02
QA02 Guides not Precise Enough?

AD56 - adaptor set for external positioning sensor on QA02
X-Z Pick & Place?

AD60 - custom adaption plates & mounting sets
QuickLab® Options Download Center

Brochures & Data Sheets
> QuickLab® options data sheet
> Magnetic parking brake MagStop® AD55 data sheet
> External incremental positioning sensor data sheet

Installation, Maintenance & EC Guidelines
> Assembly Guide MagSpring® on QuickLab® module QM02

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